Front packaging of Ar de Arte small sardines in olive oil. Featuring artwork of 5 sardines hanging from a fishing line.
AR DE ARTE Small Sardines in Olive Oil
Open tin image of small sardines in olive oil next to their packaging.
AR DE ARTE Small Sardines in Olive Oil

AR DE ARTE Small Sardines in Olive Oil

Regular price$19.00

"Sardinillas en Aceite de Oliva."

World class small sardines from the Rías Baixas in Galicia. Each small sardine is cleaned by hand with sea water before lightly roasting them on the grill. 

The heads and the tails are removed before each sardine is placed by hand inside of the tin. Delicious premium extra virgin olive oil tops off each tin.

While we love eating these small sardines straight from the tin, you can also garnish them with onions or tomato on toasted bread, or add them to a sandwich with other desired ingredients. Their flavor profile is very versatile---not to mention, small sardines are packed with vitamins and minerals.

There are between 12-16 small sardines per tin.

Featuring artwork by Galician artist Fernando Rei Castiñeira.

  • Size: 110g
  • Region: Galica

Sardines are very versatile! We love to serve sardines on toasted bread or crackers / picos. You can also add sardines you your favorite pasta, rice and salad dishes. Make sure you use the rich and robust olive oil from each tin within your creations as well.

This is a non-perishable product, so it will last for for quite some time! Keep stored in a cool and dry place and away from direct sunlight. Once you open it, and if you have some left, make sure to keep it tightly sealed and refrigerated.

Sardines, olive oil

Ar de Arte is a brand that prides itself on offering high-quality and carefully selected shellfish and fish. They use traditional hand-canning methods to ensure a unique gastronomic experience, and work with Galician artists to create exclusive designs that reflect their commitment to emotion, quality, and authenticity. Overall, Ar de Arte is dedicated to offering excellence in every aspect of their brand.

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